
Provide a one-stop solution for household solar systems.

Who We Are

ERICSITY will always adhere to innovation for customers, enables green power become a primary energy source for every home and organization.

Let the sunshine light every night

Introduction to Ericsity Green Energy

ERICSITY leverages its advantages in electrification, industrial automation and material science and technology, focuses on the global popularization of PV and the continuous improvement of energy efficiency. It offers standardized and integrated solutions for three scenarios according to the geographical differences and grid configurations in different regions of the world. Our theme is to accelerate the cost optimization of PV products, reduce kilowatt cost in power generation, comprehensively improve its supporting performance. Globally, we are committed to helping people who live in remote areas where lack of electricity to realize use green electricity freely.

We are contributing to the popularization and efficiency improvement of the green energy system, so that everyone can use can use stable, clean and cheap green energy by our high-quality and reliable products. We take an active part in global climate change improvement, respect to nature, protect nature with science and technology, and contribute to the “cooling” of the earth.

ERICSITY will always adhere to innovation for customers, enables green power become a primary energy source for every home and organization.

Integrated House PV System

It is suitable for independent building: City Villas, Scenic Spots and Guesthouse.

Green Power Household / Zero Carbon

All-weather Green Power Supply/Energy Saving and Environmental Protection.

Reduce Household Energy Cost/Start a Zero-carbon Life.

Easy Install Easy Expand

Modular Design / Block Installation

A Few Words About

Our Team

We have been committed to improving innovative solar products to improve quality and provide more cordial communication.

Jack Yao


Mia Zhao

Marketing Head

Mike Han

Marketing Head

Myron Li

Marketing Personnel

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